Kidstown International

At the Right Time

“When there are so many people suffering in India, the Lord has been protecting and providing for us. We are very grateful for the relief fund that came at the right time. Though the monthly support is enough to meet our daily needs and sometimes more, we were struggling to provide for the extra needs that arose because of the situation. Because of the ever-increasing price of commodities, we were not able to buy better clothing, sanitary items, vitamins, etc. Children were overjoyed and thankful to God as they were able to buy some of their personal needs like new clothes, sports items, books, etc. School admissions will begin very soon and we are thankful that the relief fund will be able to pay for the fees.”

Covid relief

The funds being raised to cover the ever increasing covid costs is already being put to great use. There is a spirit of hopelessness that is spreading throughout India and Nepal. But with the help of our supporters, our homes are being protected from the dire situation that their nation is in. It may be difficult to know how to help, or if any help given is worth it, but we want you to know that the donations being sent for our covid-19 relief program are directly impacting and improving the lives of these children. They are receiving the help that they need to get through this. We can’t predict what the future will hold, but we do know that they are being given the best chance to succeed because of the compassion and generosity of our donors.

There is still ample opportunity to help with the covid-19 relief program. Our initial goal was to raise $50,000. We are still on our way to this goal, so if you would like to donate towards this fund you can click the donate button below.

The funds that are being sent to our children’s homes are being used to buy necessary items such as medicine, technology for school, and food. Many leaders were growing worried about how they would be able to keep up with the rise of costs, the difficulties of accessing supplies, and keeping their kids educated despite the lockdowns. But with this fund, their anxiety is eased. For many, it is an answer to prayer.

We are constantly amazed at the hard work of our leaders, and the ways in which they will go leaps and bounds to protect and serve their children. So if we are able to help them do this in any way, it is an easy decision. Please consider being a part of this relief mission! You can read more about our Covid-19 Relief Program here.

Stories Unfolding

When it comes down to it, a child needs love and support. They need a tender hug, a pat on the shoulder, someone to laugh with and to cry with. They need food in their bellies and a safe space to dream. They need someone to believe in them and to fight for them.

Each one of the children in our homes was living a life that lacked these forms of nurturing before coming to the home. But our leaders are dedicated to providing all of these things every day for them. These children are their children, and they are invested in their growth and transformation.

Connecting sponsors to children is an important piece to this puzzle of transformation. The financial support of sponsorship is given to the homes so that they can be enabled to continuing their work of helping children in need. But the support goes beyond financial. Becoming a sponsor is going low and reaching out a hand to a hurting child and communicating that they are special and important. It is connecting to a child in varying degrees and believing in them when most of the world has turned away from them.

Although every sponsorship relationship is different, and some last longer than others, sponsorship is a rewarding opportunity to pour life into a child. And this act of love has influence far beyond the small window that sponsorship provides. Whatever story unfolds for the child, the support of a compassionate individual will always remain a part of that story. They will carry the knowledge and remnants of that relationship wherever it is that they go.

Living in a world that is surrounded by so many needs, our hearts always have a chance to break for the hurting. Becoming a sponsor is an opportunity to act on that compassion. To take one step forward in making the world a better place. We want to give you an opportunity to step into this relationship. If you are feeling like it’s time to respond to the pain of the world and would like an easy way to do that, there will be some sponsorship opportunities below.

If you are already a current sponsor, but you have seen the benefits and rewards of sponsorship and would like to sponsor an additional child, you can just follow the steps of sponsoring a child, and we will add it in our system.

And if you are not ready to become a sponsor, but would still like to respond, take a look at our ‘How Can I Help’ page to find some more opportunities.


Lives in India
Birthday: February 2008

Uttam has come from a mountainous region in Northeast India. In this place he lost both his mother and father.  When a local Christian leader was visiting this area, concerned villagers told him about Uttam’s desperate situation. He was brought to one of our homes, and he is now being loved and cared for. Uttam is able to go to school and learn about God. He likes playing with cars!

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Lives in India
Birthday: September 2006

Ritesh was in a state of trauma after his mother passed away and his whole life changed. He was close to his mother, and the affects of this loss were very apparent on his demeanor. He was brought into a children’s home, and they became very invested in loving and supporting Ritesh. They helped him find his passion in drawing, and through much effort, Ritesh has transformed. He now has an abundance of joy and love for the others in his home. He is driven to become better in his art, and he does his best in school. Ritesh is dealing with some health affects from HIV, but he is receiving the help he needs.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Lives in India
Birthday: March 2006

Deepika’s situation was becoming worse as her family was going days on end without any food. Living in a slum with a poor substitute for a home, Deepika’s father began drinking. He soon could not even work, leaving his family with no help. Soon after Deepika began begging on the streets, both of her parents died of tuberculosis. Deepika was taken in by relatives, but she was forced to work as a maid in other’s houses. She saw the other children going to school and dreamed of doing the same. Seeing her situation, Deepika was brought in to one of our homes. She was so excited to go to school for the first time ever! The home is dedicated to giving her proper love and care.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Lives in India
Birthday: February 2006

Living in a hut with no reliable income, Binanda’s parents were living in a very poor situation. For Binanda to be able to go to school and have the chance for a successful future, he needed a better place to live. In this situation, he came to one of our homes. He has been able to go to school, and is growing up to be healthy and capable. Binanda likes to play volleyball and enjoys going to church. He spends a lot of time studying his Bible and loves to worship Jesus.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Lives in Romania
Birthday: November 2003

A responsible and driven young man, Stanculeanu was growing up in a remote village with no access to school. He was the oldest of 8 siblings, his family had no money, and there was little opportunity for Stan’s future. He was happy to come to one of our homes so that he can go to highschool and pursue his desire to be a car mechanic. He is loved by those at the home, and they believe he will be able to go as far as he wants. Stan enjoys playing the keyboard, and is keeping up with his grades.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Lives in India
Birthday: June 2007

Nabin is from the Santali tribe, a very poor and discriminated-against Hindu tribe in the area. His family is very poor with his father trying to find work day by day. Because Nabin’s parents are not able to provide the proper care for their son, it was arranged for him to come and live our children’s home. Here he receives love, shelter, good food, an education, and hears the Gospel. Nabin is currently in school.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Lives in India
Birthday: November 2013

Subodip’s mother had to live in a different house so that she could find work after her husband abandoned them. Subodip was not living in a home or receiving any learning. It was because of this that he has come to live at one of our homes so that he may live in a safe and comfortable home, go to school, and be surrounded by people who will love him and give him what he needs. He will grow to be healthy and learn many things.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


To see our full list of children available for sponsorship, you can click here.


Thank you to all of our current supporters for your generous giving. Your care and support is turning the tides, and lives are being changed!

Finish Strong

Sohan was seventeen years old when he started living in one of our supported homes in India.

Although he was an older teenager, he was in need of a supportive environment, and the ability to finish his schooling. The reality was that Sohan’s parents were separated from each other and disengaged from their son’s life. Sohan had been excelling in school, but he did not have a safe home life, and there was no support for him to continue schooling.

Sohan had high hopes for his future and career, and he had the skills to accomplish it. He was just lacking the nurturing family environment to help him succeed. The leaders of our home saw the value inside this young boy and had compassion on him. They took him under their wings and set him up with what he needed.

We were able to connect Sohan with a sponsor, and through the support and encouragement that followed, Sohan completed his grade school education and continued on to business school where he earned his bachelor’s degree.  He is now a working adult living in Dubai.

Not only did Sohan receive the educational support he needed, but he accepted Jesus into His life and is actively following him today. He found a family love and community in his home, and was able to believe in himself when no one had in his past.

Children who are in highschool still deserve the love and support of a home when they are in need. Just because they are older, does not mean that they cannot still receive transformation and hope. We have a number of children in our homes that are teenagers and don’t have a sponsor. We believe that they are capable of accomplishing great things, and that they deserve whatever encouragement we can give them. Many people look for the younger children to sponsor, and we love that this gives the opportunity for a long lasting relationship, but our older children need someone to walk with them as well.

You will see a number of options below of older children that need a sponsor. Please take the time to read through their stories. These are amazing kids who have walked through painful things, but are on a path to change their world!


Lives in Nepal
Birthday: January 2005

Samuel is very small and remote village. His father died from cancer. After his fathers death, his mother was working very hard to support her family. By working all day, she is unable to support or take care of her children and cannot afford to send them to school. Samuel was brought to one of our homes for safety and provision. Samuel likes being at the home where he receives an education. His hobby is playing football. He dreams to be a doctor.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International



Lives in Romania
Birthday: 2003

When Antonela’s teachers noticed the signs of domestic violence, they took immediate action and brought Antonela and her sister to one of our homes. Her mother had died, and her father was abusive. Antonela was worried that her father would find them, but as time has passed, she has realized that the children’s home is a safe and warm place for them to live. She is thankful to be protected and to be provided with the love and care that her and her sister needed.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Ritesh Adhikary
Lives in India
Birthday: September 2006

Ritesh was in a state of trauma after his mother passed away and his whole life changed. He was close to his mother, and the affects of this loss were very apparent on his demeanor. He was brought into a children’s home, and they became very invested in loving and supporting Ritesh. They helped him find his passion in drawing, and through much effort, Ritesh has transformed. He now has an abundance of joy and love for the others in his home. He is driven to become better in his art, and he does his best in school. Ritesh is dealing with some health affects from HIV, but he is receiving the help he needs.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Lives in India
Birthday: September 2002

Pranesh is from a very large family. Sadly, they are also a very poor family and have barely anything to give for Pranesh. There was a lot of concern for the survival of Pranesh, so he was accepted into our Grace Home. He is now able to go to school and get the necessary care that he was lacking. Pranesh will be able to learn about Jesus and pursue his dream of becoming a pastor.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Lives in India
Birthday: November 2006

With a mother burdened by a chronic illness and a father who is a drunkard, Nikhil’s chance of a quality life was even further lessened by the slum living situation and his lack of food. There was no initiative from his father to take care of the family or get treatment for his wife. Nikhil often talked of going to school to his mother, but she could not muster enough money. Nikhil took to wandering the streets and getting into trouble. He was losing the innocence that a young boy should have. As his mother worsened, she worried about Nikhil’s life is she were to die, with a negligent father. She was told about one of our homes and was encouraged to bring Nikhil to the home. He was brought in with gladness and is now going to school and being cared for properly.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Lives in India
Birthday: October 2000

Although Lovely’s parents tried hard to work, they were often not receiving their due wages, and Lovely was going hungry. It was very difficult for the family. They could not supply the food and clothes that were needed. They were forced to find work in a bigger city, but they had to move into a slum. In his new job as a construction worker, Lovely’s father suffered from a dangerous work accident. Although he survived, he was a broken man and could no longer work. Lovely had to begin working, but it was not a safe or secure situation for a young girl. Lovely very much wanted to go to school, but it was out of the question in her situation. When the family met the home leaders, they decided it would be the best thing for her to live there. Lovely says “In my home I did not laugh, I was never happy, but here I am happy that I am free to laugh and go to school. I thank my Jesus for loving me.” She is also going to school.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


If you would like to read the stories of our other children that need a sponsor, you can take a look at our sponsor page!

To Dream Big

Deep inside the country of Nepal is a remote village where work is nearly impossible to come by, and resources are low. In this village, four-year-old Subin was in danger of not surviving past his next birthday.

Both of Subin’s parents were disabled, making work impossible. There was no community to support them, and there was no help for young Subin. A family member knew of Subin’s dangerous situation, and out of compassion for him, connected him to one of our children’s homes in Nepal.

This children’s home was able to welcome Subin in and give him a home and a family. They gave him food and shelter, and he soon began to open up. Once Subin was able to start school, he realized that he loved to learn.

Subin is now twelve years old. He has been fortunate enough to have a sponsor walk alongside him through the years, and he is doing well. He continues to enjoy school, and has fun engaging in the other activities in the home, such as farming and volleyball.

Subin’s sponsor has had a unique opportunity to be a part of his life and watch him be transformed by the loving environment of his home. He has a lot of life ahead of him with many challenges and joys, and he knows that his sponsor will be with him through those times. Subin knows that someone on the other side of the world cares about him, and even just that one thought can provide so much encouragement to help him through life’s struggles.

Asking you to sponsor a young child in one of our homes isn’t a simple ask to us. We know that a sponsorship can help give a child confidence and support for them to dream big. It also provides a special opportunity for the sponsor to reach into the life of a hurting child to bring them hope.

If you would like to sign up to sponsor a child in need today, here are some opportunities for you.


Lives in India
Birthday: February 2012

After Saraswati’s father went missing, her mother sank into a deep depression. It slowly got worse and worse until family members became worried for Saraswati’s well being. They contacted one of our homes about bringing her to them. They agreed to take in the young girl, and she is now in a healthy environment. She now has the opportunity to be a happy young girl with a bright future. She still must heal from her past, but she has the help that she needs.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Lives in India
Birthday: February 2012

Riya was struggling to survive when she was brought to one of our homes. Her father was too drunk to work, and her mother could not earn enough for them. Riya’s health was deteriorating, and there was concern for her future. Because of her struggles, she was brought to our home, and she is now doing better! She is growing and healing, and will be going to school. There is a lot of hope for Riya.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Lives in India
Birthday: February 2012

While Mansa should have been starting school and being nurtured by her parents, instead she was left alone while her parents would find work in different counties. She was a young girl, and was vulnerable to the dangers of the world. Some leaders were able to get connected with her and her family and bring her to one of our homes. She is able to live as a young girl should now, with capable leaders being there for her.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Lives in India
Birthday: August 2009

With no stable income, Iyappan’s family is unable to provide for any basic needs. In order for Iyappan to be well fed and go to school he was brought to one of our supported children’s homes. He was welcomed in with compassion and open arms. He is going to be surrounded by people who love him and will teach him about Jesus. His going to go to school and have a better life.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Lives in Romania
Birthday: October 2017

The living situation for Sofia was not a healthy one. There were some concerns for her safety, especially after an accident where Sofia’s skin was burned with burning oil. Her family was not in a good neighborhood, and they were not providing a safe environment for such a young girl. So she is now living in one of our homes where she will have the opportunity to go to school and be loved by the leaders and other children in the home.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Lives in India
Birthday: February 2012

After Chris’s mother died after child birth, his father became very depressed and began drinking. He eventually left Chris with his grandparents. As his grandparents were very old, they were not earning much to care for Chris. As a young boy, he had yet to experience true happiness as he had lost so much and was in an unhealthy situation. When Chris began seeing other kids go to school, he wanted to go with them, but his grandparents could barely feed him, much less send him to school. There was nothing for them to do, so he was brought to one of our homes. He was welcomed in, and is now receiving the proper care and love that he has always needed, and is going to school!

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


Lives in India
Birthday: February 2015

Paungailian has witnessed much pain in his young life. His father passed away from a stroke, and his mother abandoned him to relatives after her husband’s death. Paungailian was tossed from family to family, no one willing to care for him or love him. When they heard about one of our supported homes, they contacted them to take Paungailian. The home accepted him, and he is now in a loving and caring environment. He is living in a real home and has found a family that will support him. He will be able to go to school and have what he needs.

Sponsor Form – Kidstown International


If you would like to see more of the children in need of a sponsor, please visit this our sponsorship page!

Child Sponsorship Month

Daniel was just a young boy when he was brought to one of our homes in Romania. He had been living in a one-bedroom house with multiple other siblings and his mother. His father had abandoned the family, and the mother was not caring for her children. Because of the risk for Daniel’s protection, he was brought to one of our homes by child protective services.

Despite such a difficult past, Daniel was able to thrive at the home. He was set up with a sponsor, and they stayed connected over the years. Daniel grew up to succeed in school and to be close with everyone in the home. His sponsor remained a constant support and encouragement to him, and Daniel is now studying for a Master’s degree.

When Daniel recently moved out of his home as a responsible adult, it was important to him to thank his sponsor for helping him become who he is today.




Next month is June, which is our ‘Child Sponsorship Month’. We are excited to share some highlights of the sponsorship program and what it has meant for the children. You will be seeing a number of posts in June on the topic of sponsorship, and we will include opportunities for new and current sponsors. Make sure to stay alert!

If you do not currently sponsor a child, this is a perfect opportunity for you. You will be able to learn what it looks like to sign up as a sponsor, and what this relationship with a child would look like. Sponsoring is an easy, but powerful way to make a difference in a child’s life. It is a chance to bring encouragement and confidence into a young life that has experienced far too many negative influences.

If you already sponsor a child with us, we would like to hear your experience! Use this link to send us a message about why you love sponsoring a child and what this relationship has meant to you.



Many of our current sponsors have walked with their children for a number of years, seeing them through struggles and victories. Being able to watch your child grow and change over the years is a wonderful gift. And as the child moves through school and eventually chooses their course of life after graduation, the sponsor is able to cheer them on and support their decisions. There are not sufficient words to describe the experience of seeing your child all grown up, knowing what they’ve been through, and who they have become, but any seasoned sponsor knows the joys and fulfillment of this relationship.

If you are ready to add a new child to your current sponsorship, we will be sharing opportunities for that as well!

When looking into the faces of children that come into our homes, and seeing the untold pain in their eyes, our hearts are moved with compassion. For one so small to see so much hurt, we want to help them any way we can. Sponsorship is about kneeling closer to one child, but knowing that by helping this one, you are helping a generation and a community become a better place.

June is ‘Child Sponsorship Month’, and we want you to be a part of it. Make sure that you are subscribed to our newsletter, and that you pay attention to our social media platforms!

Lets Build a Classroom!

If you’ve watched any home improvement show, or worked on any building project yourself, you probably know how the process goes. You start with what you know, with the best estimates of price and timeline you can come up with. But eventually, you run into a roadblock here, an increased price there, and pretty soon, your project looks a lot different than when you first started!

It’s no different in Nepal. When one of our homes located in a rural area of Nepal began a project to build a classroom for their children, they started with a list of needs and a cost. They were able to receive partial funding and began on their project. But they only got as far as cutting the wood and doing the flooring.

To complete the classroom, their list still includes windows, doors, bars, and a roof. This all comes to a total of $3705.

Once this classroom is finished, it will provide a space where all of their children will be able to sit together and follow their online classes. With teachers continuing to use online platforms, the children are in need of a separate place for concentration and productivity. This classroom will help everyone to stay up to date on their studies, and continue to move up in their grades.

This home in Nepal has been on a faithful journey of providing the best care for their children. Previously, they had lived in the city, but felt that their children would be healthier and happier in the country. After a long process, they successfully moved all of their children into the mountains of Nepal, and have been happily living there for some time now. Of course, this new location brought on the challenges of building a separate building for the girls and the boys, a better source of water, and most recently, goat farming! It has been a wonderful process of seeing them complete these projects, and in so doing, creating a healthy and supportive environment for their children.



They are not only providing their children with a safe place to heal from their tragic pasts, but to learn how to serve their community, practical farming skills, and the chance to succeed in their education. This is why we would like to help them complete this classroom. But we need your help!

Will you consider making a gift to help this home provide the space and opportunity for the children to further their education? Your generosity would be a major bright spot in the midst of the ongoing challenges of local and government restrictions.

Find options to donate towards these projects below:




A Care Infinitely Greater Than Our Own

When God teaches us that He knows the names of His children and can count the number of hairs on their head, it shouldn’t surprise us to see Him rescuing and leading His beloved out of tragedy and into a hope filled life.

He is faithful over all of His children. And we see this reality in every one of the kids we serve under Kidstown International.

God saw Sarah long before her life was turned upside down. And, in reality, long before even her parents met her. He knew the pain she would face, but He also knew the peace He would give her. She wasn’t out of His sight when her father lost himself to alcohol and died at a young age. And when Sarah’s mother could not provide the bare essentials for their survival, God was already on the move to provide breakthrough.

God was already working in the hearts of some of his other children to open a home for kids in need. And just as this happened, Sarah walked into their lives, becoming one of the first children to be a part of this home in India.

It was with a hope for a better life that Sarah came to this home, and here it was that she found this hope. Sarah herself writes “I never had to worry about anything else because I had everything I needed and more.” Sarah was able to go to school, grow up with a loving mom and dad, and eventually, find her worth in Jesus Christ.

It was a glorious day in Heaven when Sarah chose to be baptized at a Bible camp and dedicate her life to Jesus. And so we see, God had never walked away from Sarah, but was continuously leading her towards a life of surrender and peace, found only in Him. He was her hope, and once she realized this, everything changed.

Sarah is now a young adult, and is working towards a life of civil service to her people and to God. She writes “Everything that I am today was because of the relentless effort of Mom and Dad guiding me to the right track.” Sarah has seen her life transformed. She is not the same girl she was when she first walked into this young children’s home. She is a driven and compassionate woman of God, ready to give her life back to the One who saved her.

Before she moved into the home, she was not attending school, she didn’t have enough food, and she didn’t even have enough clothing. God found a way to provide these things for her, but He provided so much more. As a faithful Father, He provided her with New Life under the cross of Jesus, and He clothed her in His righteousness. Sarah has always been precious in His eyes, and He will now use her to help other people see their value in Him.

Sarah tells her sponsor: “I also want to thank you for your support and prayers in the past years. I really am grateful for it. May God continue to bless you tremendously.”

The lives we are reaching through this ministry are not only important to us, but to God. It is humbling to see how He cares infinitely more about their lives than we ever could. But even as He is working in their lives, He is using all of us to be His hands and feet to provide the love and care for His children.

To be a part of God’s transformative work in the life of a child, you can become a sponsor HERE.

If you are already a sponsor, or would prefer to make a onetime gift, click HERE for more options.

Women’s Scholarships – International Women’s Day

Kids in Nepal outside of their school posing for a picture

March 8th is International Women's Day and we are bringing awareness to the impact that scholarships have for the young women in our homes. After taking their placement tests, our kids will have the opportunity to pursue university, trade school, etc. However, without scholarships, many will miss out on the chance to do so.

·         "Educating girls is one of the strongest ways not only to improve gender equality, but to promote economic growth and the healthy development of families, communities and nations."

·   "Despite tremendous progress in getting girls into school, the global community must commit to making sure education counts and that it reaches the most marginalized populations."

·     "In countries affected by conflict, girls are more than twice as likely to be out of school than girls living in non-affected countries."

By donating to this fund, you are not only helping these girls break the cycle of poverty... you are helping them pursue dreams they never thought possible.

*specify "Women's Scholarship Fund" when donating!

Online School Readjustments

It wasn’t long before our home leaders started lifting up requests for new technology devices so that they could keep up with the new education guidelines. As school moved online, many of our homes in Romania, India, and Nepal were worried they would not be able to keep their kids in school.

These aren’t like most families that just have a few kids in school. Because of their servant hearts, they often have a dozen or so kids under their responsibility. This means that the one or two phones or laptops they already had would not be enough to provide online education to all of the different grades and children they have.

A lot of requests were sent for new phones, laptops, printers, Wi-Fi routers, ect, and a lot of time has been spent sifting through requests, reaching out to donors, and funding these projects. Thankfully, a lot of homes have been able to improve their access to technology, and their kids are able to continue their studies.

One home says, “We are very grateful to Kidstown for taking all the efforts in helping our children have computers to do online classes.” Education is critical to the success of a child moving out of their past of poverty, so these devices are important to the homes.



If you would like to help the homes continue to provide needed devices for their children’s education, click the link below!

Donate for Education Here

Nelson’s Story of Hope

(An excerpt from our latest newsletter)

When Nelson was just a young boy, he lost his parents to alcoholism and poverty. He never had enough food or clothes, and he never went to school. A dedicated man of God in India had opened an orphanage nearby and welcomed young Nelson in. Nelson says, “Though I lost my parents, the Lord took care of me through his faithful servant. The atmosphere was warm, loving, and Christ oriented.”

The love and support he got from his home is what made him who he is today. Now, when he sees a child without parents, proper clothes, education, and despised by society, he “can feel their pain and understand their situation.” That is why Nelson has spent his adult life serving abandoned children. He is currently involved with several Kidstown homes, working hard to help these hurting children.

Nelson still remembers the moment he invited Jesus into his heart as a boy. “The feeling that I experienced at that time feels like it was just yesterday. My wish and prayer is that many more people would experience the same.” This transformation has allowed Nelson to pour himself into the Lord’s work. India is currently facing a lot of opposition against Christians, including Christian children’s homes. According to Nelson, it is becoming increasingly hard to run a Christian home due to false accusations, imprisonments, and deportations. As things get worse for them, Nelson and the rest of our home leaders continue to work hard to heed their government’s rules while creating a safe home for their children. “My hope and prayer is that the Lord would continue providing for our needs in the homes and that our children would become an instrument in the expansion of His kingdom.” –Nelson.

It is because of our leaders, like Nelson, that there is hope for hurting children. Because they see the need and do not back away from the call to help, every child under their care now has the chance of healing and transformation. We are extremely grateful for our leaders!