Education is key.
We want every child to have the chance to learn and to dream about the future. Supporting a child through our Running-the-Race Children’s Education Initiative benefits not only the child, but their community as well. Our sponsorship gifts are pooled together to educate and empower all the children at each Kidstown supported home.
Breaking the cycle of poverty.
In countries like India and Nepal, an education is out of reach for many people living in poverty. Without an education, every generation born into poverty is trapped, with no means of escape.
Going to school gives children the chance to learn and grow in ways previously not available to them. It gives them the opportunity to dream about what they want to do when they grow up and gives them a path to achieve their goals.
With a quality education, these children grow up and get better jobs. They make enough money to support their families, and even have the time and resources to give back to their communities. By simply giving a child the chance to go to school, the cycle of poverty can be broken.

Quality education.
Kids have many different needs, and we want to make certain that every child is attending a good school and has access to the help they need to excel in their education. Our goal is to provide each child with the resources they need to succeed.
Education sponsorships help us provide each of our children’s home with a tutor. These tutors come from their local communities, and are able to help the kids with their specific education needs. And when the option is available, we use the funds to send our children to best schools in their area.
Give children hope.
Our mission is to care for orphaned and neglected children by supporting children’s homes that improve quality of life and educational opportunities in a Christ-centered environment, giving them hope for the future.
While our regular sponsorship program provides for a child’s basic needs like food, clothing, and a family environment within a loving home, a quality education costs more. Our Running-the-Race Children’s Education Initiative gives you the opportunity to directly support a child’s education.
What your sponsorship does:
An education sponsorship is an investment in a child AND their community! For $25 a month you can help your sponsored child and the other children in their home receive a better education. Your partnership will provide school uniforms & supplies, tuition, transportation when needed, internet & computers where possible, and a personal tutor for each home who will help the children with their studies – your money also helps a person in the community support themselves through a tutoring job – a win for everyone!
Long term, your sponsorship gives a child hope for the future. It helps one more person have opportunities they could never have dreamed of before. It gives them the knowledge, skills, and resources to be a transforming member of their community.
Have a question? Visit our FAQs page, or Contact Us to learn more.

Already a child sponsor?
While our regular child sponsorship program covers the cost for children’s basic needs, the Running-the-Race Children’s Education Initiative specifically aims to increase the quality of education for the children in our Kidstown supported homes. The goal of these sponsorships is to support not just a single child, but a whole community. Our sponsorship gifts are pooled together to provide for and empower all the children at each Kidstown supported home.
If you are a regular sponsor, you can sign up to sponsor your child’s education as well! You can either fill out this Education Sponsorship Form or Contact Us to set up an education sponsorship for your child. And you can learn more about Education Sponsorships on our FAQs page.