Because God is central to Kidstown and to the orphanages we support, we believe in the importance and power of prayer. Informed, targeted prayer will move the hand of God and bring results in the lives of the orphans and leaders.
Prayer Requests from India
Praise! In an area that has been going through a drought, it has finally rained! The children now have enough water! One of the homes is needing funds to replace their broken water filter. The older boys are receiving special
Prayer Requests for August
Please pray for the homes of India, Romania, and Nepal as they are in need of clean water. Please pray for the children who leave the homes due to government regulations, and reasons that are out of our hands. Please
Staying Focused
If you’re like me, there are times when life seems to weigh heavy, when the valleys seem more than the peaks, when discouragement seems to eclipse joy. It’s during these times that we can lose focus. Focus of what’s important.
Praying for our Kids
Dear Kidstown Friends, We have the opportunity not only to help our orphans in practical ways, but also to pray for them. God can do far more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20) and He beckons us to
Saved by a Ladder
Dear Kidstown Friends, It was about 11:00 pm. I had just fallen asleep after travelling from the Middle-East to Nepal when I was roused from my slumber by a magnitude 5.0 tremor which had set my room to rocking. I
Headed to Nepal
Dear Kidstown Friends, Many of you have followed the recent tragic events in Nepal, have expressed concern, have lifted this country and its people up in prayer, and have generously given so that we can assist in the relief and
7.3 Aftershock Hits Nepal
According to news sources as well as our on-the-ground source in Kathmandu, this small Himalayan country is once again scurrying into the streets in a state of panic after a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal at about 12pm local (Nepal)
Nepal after 12 days
Dear Kidstown Friends, It has been nearly 12 days since the devastating earthquake rocked the small Himalayan nation of Nepal. Its effects have been widespread and have greatly affected life, and will continue to do so for months (and even
Nepal Quake: “Now what?”
Dear Kidstown Friends, Most of us cannot identify with a natural disaster which literally and figuratively rocks our entire world. It’s likely that most Nepalis, before last Saturday, didn’t either. But today they woke up once again to the grim
Nepal Earthquake
Dear Kidstown Friends, The situation in Nepal continues to be desperate. According to the BBC the death toll has surpassed 5,000, with an additional 10,000 injured, 500,000 displaced, and 8,000,000 affected. There continue to be shortages of food, water, and
A Mother’s Prayer
Dear Kidstown Friends, In 1 Samuel 1:9-11 it says “So Hannah arose…and prayed to the Lord…and said, “O Lord of hosts, if you …will give your servant a son, then I will give him to the Lord all the days
The baseline of prayer
Dear Kidstown Friends, It’s a few minutes after 3am. It’s been a long travel day – about 28 hours – flying from Vancouver, BC to Hong Kong, then on to Bangkok, then finally to Calcutta – my destination and launching