Kidstown International

Miracles Happen!

Eszter is the director of the Emmaus Home orphanage in Bogata, Romania. She tells an amazing story of family reunification. Five years ago, the parents of Istvan and Kinga Santa were alcoholics. The dad came to Eszter’s father-in-law and told him that he had no job, no place to live, and no future for his children. His solution was to kill the children, then kill his wife, then kill himself. He believed that then the problem would be over. Eszter’s father-in-law counseled the dad to take his kids to the Emmaus Home. The dad listened, and Kinga and Istvan lived in the home for 3 years. During this time the parents came to know Christ, quit drinking, the dad got a job, and now the family is reunited again! Istvan and Kinga are proud of their parents for quitting alcohol. Istvan is studying agronomy and in his spare time works with his dad. Kinga is studying English in a very prestigious school in Tirgu Mures. Miracles do happen!

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